Hof Müselacher
Hof Müselacher
Hof Müselacher
Hof Müselacher

Farm shop

Farm store Hof Müselacher

Usterstrasse 41, Bertschikon Gossau

Small mixed dairy farm with arable, fruit, vegetables and flowers, with working horses in daily use, various animals and various projects such as barn visitation, school on the farm, attract post or land service.

Small mixed dairy farm with arable, fruit, vegetables and flowers, with working horses in daily use, various animals and various projects such as barn visitation, school on the farm, attract posts or land service. Internet store with home delivery.

Integrated production fresh and directly from the farm, ordered online and delivered to your home.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Usterstrasse 41
8614 Bertschikon Gossau


Hof Müselacher
Franziska & Urs Altorfer
Usterstrasse 41
8614 Bertschikon
044 975 27 16


Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Twint

Business Language

  • German
  • French

Sales type

  • Farm shop

