Convivi'Alp_Stands_2011 (Aline_Fournier)
Convivi'Alp_Stands_2011 (Aline_Fournier)
Soirée_Convivi'Alp_2015 (Veysonnaz_Tourisme)
Soirée_Convivi'Alp_2015 (Veysonnaz_Tourisme)

Swiss Ländler Music

Convivi'Alp evening

Route de Pra, Veysonnaz

Throughout the summer, Veysonnaz puts on its festive costume and invites visitors to stop and have a good time. The Convivi'Alp evenings are the perfect opportunity to do so. Welcome to everybody!

These evenings are organized throughout the summer to celebrate the gourmet pleasures of the region in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
The village shopkeepers offer their products and are happy to welcome you to discover their goods. Veysonnaz Tourisme also proposes traditional or original activities: concerts, magic show, giant games and other children's activities.
The Convivi'Alp evenings have become a not-to-be-missed event, guests and local residents can enjoy meeting each other and sharing a wonderful evening together.


18/7/2024 to 25/7/2024   every Th   18:00 - 21:00 h
8/8/2024   18:00 - 21:00 h


Route de Pra
1993 Veysonnaz


Veysonnaz Tourisme
Route de Magrappé 42
1993 Veysonnaz
+41 27 207 10 53


  • Swiss Ländler Music
